How do you spread Sevin dust?

Sweep any scattered granules off nearby sidewalks or driveways and back onto your lawn or garden areas. Then water the treated area thoroughly. This releases the active ingredients in Sevin® Insect Killer Granules to reach pests above and below ground.Click to see full answer. Considering this, how do you spread Sevin?Use a drop spreader (best for small, precise areas) or a broadcast spreader (good for large areas) for lawn applications. Wear rubber or latex household gloves when handling or applying. Use outdoors only. Apply on calm days, with no rain forecast for 24 hours.Additionally, is Sevin dust harmful to pets? Sevin–an insecticide manufactured by Bayer CropScience in Research Triangle Park–is widely believed to be safe. There are 68 formulations approved for use in North Carolina on everything from lawns to pets, and millions of pounds are applied each year in the United States. Consequently, do you wash off Sevin dust? Allow a minimum of seven days between applications.” This site will give you specifics about using Sevin safely in your yard. Good luck! Yes it can wash off and needs to gently be reapplied, but not too much, you do not want to harm your plants.How long does Sevin last?This Sevin insecticide is an effective and highly concentrated insecticide that is able to kill more than 500 different pest species. (You can find a full list of Sevin insecticide target insects here.) It will leave your outdoor spaces free of most insects (except ticks) for up to three months.
