Tulip poplars have a fast to medium rate of growth. They grow rapidly when they are young, but their rate of growth slows to a medium rate as they get older. A fast growth rate means more than 25 inches a year. A medium growth rate means 13 to 24 inches a year.Click to see full answer. Similarly, you may ask, how long do tulip poplars live?It can and does persist in older forests when there is sufficient disturbance to generate large enough gaps for regeneration. Individual trees have been known to live for up to around 500 years.Similarly, are tulip poplars good trees? On the plus side, tulip poplars (also called tulip trees) are glorious in bloom, they’re a native species attractive to bees, and they make a good timber tree. Tulip poplar roots are big as well, which makes growing lawn or other plants near them somewhat challenging. In this way, are tulip poplars invasive? Tulip poplars rank among the lowest in wind resistance, so the danger of falling limbs and branches is a concern when planting tulip poplars near driveways, homes or streets. Additionally, because the trees are shallow-rooted and top-heavy, prolonged flooding may compromise their ability to remain upright.Where do tulip poplars grow?Liriodendron tulipifera, commonly known as the American Tulip Tree or Tulip Poplar is native to eastern North America and can be found all the way from southern Ontario to central Florida and Louisiana. It can grow to be more than 50 m in height when found in forests of the Appalachian Mountains.